My test results :) |
- What is multiple intelligences test?
- Scores
- Agreee/ disagree
- Conclusion
- Gardner's test in which are 8 different types of intelligence.
- I have highest scores in Musical smart and Nature smart. I can play guitar, piano, violin, sax quite good, my score in this type of intelligence is 25. Also I love nature, there I can relax, feel myself comfortable, here my score is 21.
- Lowest score I have in Linguistic (word smart). Here my score is only 11. It shows that I can't express myself in words very well.
- I have the same score in Logical, Intrapersonal, visual/spatial intelligences. It's 14. Logical intelligence means numbers art in another words, intrapersonal - myself smart, visual - picture smart.
- I agree with results about Music, Nature and Word smart and disagree about Interpersonal intelligence 'cause there score is 18, and I think that I know myself better than others. Also I disagree with results about Body smart - I don't like sports and things like that, I don't think that I can express myself with my body as well. And Picture smart - I like to paint, my skills there are also good.
- It's really hard for me to express myself in words, it's hard for me to explain something that I know or simply to say something what I am thinking about.