2011 m. kovo 29 d., antradienis

Short talk: Personality test

Tests in English:

  • Type of personality: ENFP

  • According to Jung And Briggs Myers Test:
    • extroverted 1%
    • intuitive 12%
    • feeling 75%
    • perceiving 44%
  • According to second test:
    • extroverted 57% - introverted 43% 
    • intuitive 68% - sensing 32% 
    • feeling 75% - thinking 25% 
    • perceiving 59% - judging 41% 
  •  Only 5 per cent of people have this type of personality.
  • Some years ago I did test which was similar to Jung's Myers test, but in Lithuanian. Results showed the same  type of personality - ENFP.
  • This type of people can influence others, because they have huge conditioning to other people. This kind of people tries to be authentic and to act spontaneous.
  • Bad side:  this type of people see themselves as not original enough and thinks that are too much spontaneous. This causes downgrade in their self - respect.

2011 m. kovo 27 d., sekmadienis

Short talk: Conflicts

  • Conflict is an opposition of people, forces and other entities.
  • Types of conflicts:
    • Inter personal [between some people]
    • Intergroup [between groups of people]
    • Intra-personal [conflict that occur inside person]
      • Approach - approach [when person have choice between 2 attractive stimuli]
      • Avoidance - avoidance [when person have choice between negative stimuli, and chooses the best of that bad]
      • Avoidance - approach [the most popular conflict. Occur when one tendency is more powerful, but it can decrease with time].
  • Conflict solving:
    • Identify conflict
    • Be aware of aggressive responses and their consequences
    • Face up than avoid conflict
    • Respect yourself and other
    • Accept and understand cultural differences. Different cultures think different, have another values and beliefs.
    • Be aware of subjectivity. This makes hard to reach empathy and go to the compromises.

2011 m. kovo 26 d., šeštadienis

Short talk: Psychology of Creativity

  • Creativity  - process of generating novel ideas and is a basic force for all inventions.
  • Creativity process involves seeing new relations between concepts and things and determine unique solutions to problems.
  • Marked by traits of originality, nonconformity, high levels of knowledge.
  • Psychologists have tried to explain creativity with many theories. They included behavioristic, psychoanalytical, social and personality theories of creativity.
  • Creativity is related with mental disorders, some kinds of schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

Summary: Giving Entire Cultures a Personality Test

People in nature are different and have different personalities. They can quite easy detect is person which they know introvert or extravert, and there are people who see some traits and differences between groups. Of course, the negative side of seeing traits is that they can become stereotypes.

Researchers administrated the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NOE-PI-R), test that can distinguish if stereotypes of cross-cultural differences are real or it is just invalidity. Test can be used in 50 different cultures and it measures national character of cultures. Test includes short questionnaire which helps to indicate typical personality characteristic of group member. Research involved thousands of people and results of group members personality profiles were averaged and comprised to help researchers to determine which beliefs about national character matched.

Results showed two things. First of all it showed that people from particular cultures can summarize their national character - how they see themselves as a culture. Second thing is that national characters do not match with actual personality profiles of people in that cultures, it means that national character do not generalize personality characteristics, it is cultures views at themselves.

Summary: English Language Invasion

French and Chinese languages are affected by English language invasion. This happens because of English language popularity and its sign of internationality. In this case Chinese language suffers from variety of English abbreviations and other words which are catchy and easily slip into language. In France, where since 1997 about 40 per cent of documents at the European Commission was first written in French now left just 11 per cent.

Language prevention starts with making it obligatory and translating English words into native language. In France have been introduced the “Toubon” law which makes French language obligatory in schools, workplaces, government publications. Moreover there are special government called on groups which have to put a stop for Anglicism.
China solves the same problem in another way. First of all China allowed up to 20 foreign films to be screened and banned websites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. The second step is that China presented an idea which will ban publications from using English names, places, companies. All of these would have to be translated into Chinese.

English language popularity is caused by Western brands proliferation, huge availability of television shows where program is in English language and also huge number of students who want to study English. In France one of the reasons is suitability to national cohesion. Simplified English takes first place here in promoting international business oligarchy, opinions that another language invasion is a global phenomenon and it is a normal sign of cultural assimilation.

English language popularity leads label that it is the universal language and there are groups promoting domination of English in countries. Invasion of English is also caused by such factors like loopholes in law which was created to protect language, obsession making society international and not steaming the real situation that national language use is falling.
Both countries are trying to protect their language by planning to find more effective methods. Their authorities say that this cannot continue in the silence and society should respect their language and pay more attention.
