2010 m. rugsėjo 18 d., šeštadienis

My Future Profession

Hey, it's my first entery here. I was told to write this, and for real I'm not sure what would be the best to write about my future... And...  I'm not sure why exactly psychology. It was not something for what I was dreaming about or interested for a long time. It came itself from childhood I think. Like "Why parents are talking to me like that?", or that - "Why friends are doing things, which are not accepted for me?", "How does everything works in our heads?" and so on...

For now on I like my studies, but I'm still not sure what will be in future, which branch of Psychology I'll choose and so on. But if everything will be all right, I have plans to study abroad. And then maybe stay to live and work there.

So, as You can see, it's really hard to say something now, when everything is new for me...

1 komentaras:

  1. You know, by little steps, I started to understand. But to understand everything clear I still have to spend much more time on this, but there is begginig and it is better than nothing :)
